• Global handwashing dance
What we did
  • Global handwashing day 2012
  • Global handwashing day 2013
  • Corporation and Creative Support
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Global HandWashing Day October 15

世界手洗いダンス/Global Handwashing Dance

手洗い自動販売機/A vending machine for Handwashing


What we did


H1N1 flu broke out in March and handwashing was promoted largely and intensively this year. The handwashing events were held at elementary schools and kindergartens, issues on sanitation and hygiene in developing countries were addressed at the same time.


The project selected “100 Global Handwashing Day Supporter” and they had their own handwashing events doing handwashing dance,and using posters and movies. 6 celebrities were appointed as “2011 Global Handwashing Ambassador” and appealed proper handwashing.


We opened “Handwashing School” and had some activities – making own soap and symposium with corporate partners who have supported UNICEF WASH projects. In addition, handwashing events were held all over Japan included kindergartens and nursery schools in Tohoku which were hit by a big earthquake.


The project decided to have a survey on handwashing involving 100 children. After learning why handwashing is important and proper handwashing process, these selected children participate in the survey. Every child checks 5 persons’ handwashing secretly, and sends the report to the Japan Committee for UNICEF.


Voluntary children journalists all over Japan covered proper handwashing and made their own newspaper. The special edition handwashing newspaper collected by 69 newspapers was issued on the Global Handwashing Day.